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Saturday, June 18, 2005

Frictionless Man Begins...

Not that you'd know it was him without being told.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Speak Fast

According to my sister, last time so of her friends were over the couldn't understand what I was saying... but my sister could. That could be a good thing...

Although i know this doesn't apply to all her friends. I've had actual conversations with some of them, and it would be hard to believe that their half of the conversation was purely coincidental... and even if that were so and they didn't understand me, why the hell would they be talking random crap to someone they can't understand instead of smiling and nodding as is polite in that situation... those crazy crazy sister's friends.

I know some of you who know me in real life might have not been able to understand me initially... please do tell if these stories are amusing.

An artists impression...

...of me looking somewhere between contemplative and concerned in a gloomy way. Closer to contemplative i think, as contemplating is more fun. In any case, I imagine it's likely to appear as a contrast to how I normally look.

At the time, I was studying a giant chocolate egg. In a tent. With some friends. For real.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Life is like...

Analogies are ubiquitous in the context of life, and are generally shrugged of like a loose pair of pants dangling unromantically over ones shoulders. Those of a highly facetious nature I admire the most.

For reasons unbeknown to myself, I constructed one for the benifit of you the reader purely at random. After that I proceeded to write the preceding text. Without further ado, the long winded analogy:

"Life is like an Interpretive dance. This is for reasons that are of a highly obscure form of the obvious, however this obviousness is often misdiagnosed as the hyper-complex work of avant-garde philosophers."

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Some people might see a little person...

___//o_(.) \\____.[[]]
______| ________ __

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___ /}___ /}

Saturday, June 11, 2005

3-Tuple Socio-Personal Characteristic List

Aim: Analysis of popular socio-personal perception of oneself by others.

Method: Request of a small sample space of people that they "describe you in three words." It helps if these people know you before being asked.

Raw Data:

quiet, friendly, talented
funny, random, competitive,
gifted, rambler, unbalanced,
funny, jumble, decent
intelligent, entertaining, loyal,
funny, relaxed, occasionally frenzied
easy going, sociable and funny


Perhaps later think of a good statistic analysis of the data in some way or another

Thursday, June 09, 2005

I Vacuuuuumed

...A bug
...My sister's hair band thing, now its stuck in the vacuum somewhere :-/

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Today a found a praying mantis in my shoe

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Late night

Stay up late,
pretend to forget how tired i get in the morning,

Wake up early to alarm,
set last night with intention to study early,
mind in state of utter calm,
not a care in the universe,
except for more relaxation,
alarm off.

Wake up late,
oh crap,
there goes the morning.


Friday, June 03, 2005

The Candy that was...

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Found a lone circular candy under my desk,
I suspect it has been there since the Mesozoic era.
Out the window it went.